WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownIM SET: 800With fins or without -- your choice.16 X 50 on approx. :20 RI, swum as follows:FL/FLFL/BKBK/BRBR/FRFL/BKBK/BKBK/BRBR/FRFL/BKBK/BRBR/BRBR/FRFL/BKBK/BRBR/FRFR/FRPULL 200 SET: 1200 (1000 for lane #1)Swim four rounds of the following:200 freestyle pull with pull buoy4 X 25 Free (without pull buoy) with 5 bobs as recovery between 25s Odd: Breathe only twice per length Even: Swim 1/2 fast...1/2 EZRound #1Wear fistglovesRound #2Nekked handsRound #3PaddlesRound #4Wear fins -- no pull buoyWARMDOWN: 200 EZTotal Yardage: 2600
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