10/07/04 CCB Masters 6-5-4-3-2-1

Oct 4, 2004
10/07/04 CCB Masters 6-5-4-3-2-1

WARMUP: 400400 or 10 minutes your choice on your ownWARMUP SET: 1506 X 25Odds: Backstroke, starting with a STREAMLINED pushoff ON YOUR BACKEvens: Freestyle, starting with a streamlined pushoff on your stomach or side. Fast kick into breakout.MAIN SET: 13505 X 50 @ approx. :15 RI, swum as 25 Free/25 Back. Do a flip turn on each 50, pushing off in streamline on your back. 4 X 75 with fins @ approx. :20 RI FL/BK/BR BK/BR/FR FL/BK/BR BK/BR/FR3 X 100 Free @ approx. :25 RI. Count strokes on each length of 1st 100 and try to maintain that same pattern for all 3 X 100.2 X 150 @ approx. :30 RI. Alternate 25 choice (not Free) and 25 Free.1 X 200 Free. Do this for time. It should be a strong, controlled effort but NOT all out. SPEED SET: 150Do this set as a group at the end of practice. If you get done with the main set ahead of other swimmers, do some Freestyle pulling with a pull buoy until everyone finishes the main set.6 X 25Odds: FAST freestyleEvens: EZ recovery back to the shallow endWARMDOWN: 100At least 100 EZTotal Yardage: Approx. 2200

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