10/12/04 CCB Masters Descend

Oct 12, 2004
10/12/04 CCB Masters  Descend

WARMUP: 400400 your choice on your ownWARMUP SET: 2008 X 25 Breast @ approx. :20 RI Focus was on the pullout and breakout. We have a lot of non-breaststrokers on the team, so I took a couple minutes to explain the steps of a pullout: streamline pushoff...pulldown...sneak the heads up till you see them...then kick into streamline as you rise to the surface. The more experienced breaststrokers on the team did double pulldowns on the 25s. All others did just a single pulldown. Many were pushing off too high, so we worked on that...plus the sequencing of the steps.MAIN SET #1: 500 + 150 + 200 (100)5 X 100 Free, with 25 EZ as active recovery after each 100. Goal is to descend your time for each 100, but keep the same stroke-count pattern on each 100. E.g., if your count is 14 - 15 -15 -16 on the first 100, you keep that same pattern throughout, and bring your time down.The two fastest lanes did 200 pull with pull buoy after this set, breathing normally on odd lengths, and breathing 3-4-5-6 by 25 on the even lengths. All others lanes did a 100 pull.MAIN SET #2: 250 + 150 + 200 (100)Repeat Main Set #1, except this time make it 5 X 50 instead of 5 X 100. Hold stroke-count pattern and descend time.Repeat the pull portion of Main Set #1.MAIN SET #3: Relays!We divided into teams and did 4 or 5 relays -- all with fins and all 25 yards per swimmer. Winning team got to choose the stroke or kick for the next relay. There was TONS of cheating, which made this a fun set because the "winner" always seemed to be the team that got disqualified for some infraction. WARMDOWN: 100Total Yardage: Appr. 2200

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