10/12/05 Breast & IM Practice

Oct 13, 2005
10/12/05  Breast & IM Practice

Did this on my own.WARMUP: 1250With Zura Alpha Fins, swim continuously through the following. 250 Head-Lead IM (final 100 is FR/BK)250 Hand-Lead IM (final 100 is FR/BK)250 Single-Arm IM (final 100 is FR/BK)250 2L/2R IM (final 100 is FR/BK)250 Swim IM (final 100 is FR/BK)IM SET #1: 600Did this without fins. Fly lengths were 1 stroke FL/1 stroke BR focus on eyes down/high hips. Times got faster with less rest.3 X 50 on 1:15 sendoff FL/BK BK/BR BR/FR3 X 50 on 1:10 sendoff Ditto3 X 50 on 1:05 sendoff Ditto3 X 50 on 1:00 sendoff DittoKICK SET: 350100 EZ breast kick to get knees loose and warmed up.5 X 50 breast kick with board on 1:30 with 7 Rocket Launchers before each 50 -- descend. (Went 52 down to 45.)IM SET #2: 7502 X 75 on 1:40 sendoff FL/BK/BR BK/BR/FR2 X 75 on 1:35 Ditto2 X 75 on 1:30 Ditto2 X 75 on 1:25 DittoTimes got faster with less rest.WARMDOWN: 100 EZ FR/BKTotal Yardage: 3050

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