10/20/05 Breast Kick/Tether/Chute Practice

Oct 20, 2005
10/20/05 Breast Kick/Tether/Chute Practice

WARMUP: 1250With Zura Alpha Fins, swim continuously through the following. Use a different style of arm recovery on each of the freestyle 100s.150 Head-Lead drills FL/BK/BR + 100 Free150 Hand-Lead drills FL/BK/BR + 100 Free150 Single-Arm drills Fl/Bk/BR + 100 Free150 2L/2R drills FL/BK/BR + 100 Free150 Combo drills FL/BK/BR + 100 FreeCHUTE SET: 250With parachute. Kick 250 breaststroke, 25 in each position -- UW, Hand Lead, Head Lead, etc. Focus on drawing up the feet.TETHER/KICK SET: 1100 equivalentWith long tether: Push off, pulldown, 30 head-lead breast kicks, 20 hand-lead breast kicks, 5 strokes to the turn, come back assisted. Do this twice. Focus is drawing up the feet, even when assisted.6 X 50 breast kick with board on 1:30 descend. Do 7 Rocket Launchers before each 50. [Went :54...53...49...47...46...45]Repeat long tether as above. Twice.50 EZ recoveryPULLOUT SET: 25010 X 25 breast from a layout, with 5 bobs recovery between each. Double pulldowns on all but #5 and #10.WARMDOWN: 150150 EZ pull warmdownTotal Yardage: approx. 3000

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