10/20/05 CCB Masters Stroke-Count Puzzler and BR/BK Set

Oct 20, 2005
10/20/05 CCB Masters  Stroke-Count Puzzler and BR/BK Set

WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownSTROKE-COUNT PUZZLER SET: 1000 + 100The trick is figuring out how to hold stroke count and time, even as you are getting less rest.4 X 25 Free @ approx. :10 RI. Swim brisk pace. Count strokes and take your average as "N."Swim the following 9 X 100 straight through...no breaks.3 X 100 Free @ :30 RI. Hold stroke-count pattern of N-2...N-1...N...N+ on each 100. The N+ can be any stroke count you want.3 X 100 Free @ :25 RI. Hold N-2...N-1...N...N+3 X 100 Free @ :20 RI. Hold N-2...N-2...N...N+100 EZ recovery.BR/BK SET: 800 or 1200Fastest lane did 3 rounds of the following. Other lanes did 2 rounds.With fins. You should get about 15 seconds rest on the 50s and 25; about 20 seconds rest on the 100s. Focus on steady head on the Breast...rotation and bent-arm pull on the Backstroke.1 X 50 Body Dolphin Breast, breathe every 4 pulses1 X 50 BD Breast, breathe every 3 pulses1 X 50 BD Breast, breathe every 2 pulses2 X 25 BD Breast, breathe every pulse2 X 100 Backstroke, swum as 25 Single Arm...25 Single Arm...25 2L/2R...25 Whole StrokeWARMDOWN: 100100 EZTotal Yardage: 2800 or 2400

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