10/21/04 CCB Masters Breath-Control Practice

Oct 22, 2004
10/21/04 CCB Masters  Breath-Control Practice

Somtimes I like to swim long and easy, doing things that force me to go a bit longer between breaths -- while still working on good form. This puts me into a kind of Zen state. This is one of those practices.WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownWARMUP/DRILL SET: 3004 X 25 2L/2R Backstroke on :404 X 25 Breast with an Extra Kick on :404 X 25 Free, keeping one goggle in the water on :40MAIN SET: 1200 With fins.1 X 200, swum as 100 Hand-Lead Body Dolphin, breathing every 3 pulses, plus 100 Free, doing three streamlined body dolphins off every wall.1 X 200, swum as 100 Hand-Lead Body Dolphin on Your Back, plus 100 Back. On all lengths, clear the flags with your feet (by body dolphining) before you start to swim.Take off the fins and do 4 X 50 Freestyle, with 3 body dolphins off each wall.Put the fins back on and repeat the Freestyle 200 and the Backstroke 200 as above. Take off the fins and swim:8 X 25 Free, taking only 2 breaths per 25. Do 4 to 6 "bobs" as recovery between 25s.PULL SET: 300With pull buoy, pull 300 Free. Breathe every stroke on the first length, every 2 strokes on the second length, every 3 on the third length, etc., up to breathing every 6 strokes on the 6th length, then repeat that breathing pattern for the next 6 lengths.WARMDOWN SET: 200With fins.8 X 25 Free, taking just 2 breaths per length. Do 4 to 6 bobs as recovery between 25s.WARMDOWN: 50Do 50 to 100 EZ if you need more warmdown.Total Yardage: 2000, not including warmup and final warmdown.

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