10-24-06 Tempo Trainer Sets Fly, Back, Breast

Oct 24, 2006
10-24-06  Tempo Trainer Sets Fly, Back, Breast

WARMUP: 700With Zura Alphas:100 dolphin on front100 flutter100 dolphin on back100 free/100 back200 Breast kick with Zura Sidekick alternating 25 breast/25 eggbeater or single legBREAST SET: 500 + 2005 X 100 on 2:10 sendoff#1 to 4: breast kick with standard kickboard. Started with Tempo Trainer at 1:80 and increased the tempo by :05 on each 100: 1:80...1:75...1:70...1:65#5: Swim 100 breast with TT at 1:60 [went 1:30]200 freestyle pull breathing every 2...every 5FLY SET: 600 + 200With Zura Alpha fins and TT set at 1:65, swim three times through the following. Did everything on :30 sendoff, no breaks.25 alternating 1 cycle fly/1 cycle breast25 one cycle 2L/2R fly switch to whole-stroke fly25 Karla drill25 one cycle 2L/2R fly switch to whole-stroke fly25 three strokes fly switch to free25 one cycle 2L/2R fly switch to whole-stroke fly2 X 25 start with 6 FAST underwater dolphins on back, into flutter-kick breakout, then EZ backstroke200 freestyle pull breathing every 2...every 5BACKSTROKE SET: 5005 X 100 backstroke on 2:05 sendoff (approx. :20 RI)#1-4: wear fistgloves and increase your cadence by :05 on every 100 [used TT settings of 1:15...1:10...1:05...1:00]#5: take off the fistgloves and take another :05 off the TT setting [used :95 and went 1:25]WARMDOWN: 300300 real ez free/back and breaststroke kickTotal Yardage: 3000

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