10/25/05 AM Practice Mostly Breast Kick and Dolphin

Oct 25, 2005
10/25/05  AM Practice  Mostly Breast Kick and Dolphin

Shoulders are tired, so was trying to give them a break by wearing fistgloves for some of practice. Did this practice in 25-yard pool.WARMUP: 900With Zura Alph fins, swim continuously through the following:150 Fl/Bk/Br Head-Lead IM, then 200 Back150 Fl/Bk/BR Hand-Lead IM, then 200 BKThen 200 EZ EZ breast kick on back, doing pistons with arms.TETHER SET: 400 equivalentWith long belt and fistgloves, push off and do 30 head-lead breast kicks, then 20 hand-lead breast kicks centering cord between feet after each kick, then swim to the wal, turn and swim back assisted with minimal arms and focusing on drawing up the feet. 10 bobs, then repeatKICK SET: 6004 X 50 breast kick with board on 1:15 descend (went 55...50...47...45)100 EZ swim with pull buoy4 X 50 breast kick with board on 1:10 descend (went 51...49...48...46)100 EZ swim with pull buoyFIN SET: 500With Zura Alpha fins and fistgloves.10 lengths dolphin kick, starting with 1 pull on first length and adding a pull each length.10 lengths alternating dolphin kick on back and freestyle with dolphin kick -- really EZ.Total Yardage: 2500

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