10/25/05 CCB Masters Flip-Turn Practice

Oct 25, 2005
10/25/05  CCB Masters Flip-Turn Practice

WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownMAIN SET: 1700On the three sets of 50s, do a straight-over flip turn and push off on your back in streamline. Some swimmers worked on not using the hands to flip. Some worked on not looking at the wall just before the turn. Others worked on foot placement for the pushoff. Others worked on just doing a FLIP. Swimmers should separate by 10 seconds to give plenty of room at the wall.6 X 50 FR/BK on approx. :25 RI 1 X 200 choice or IM (fins optional)6 X 50 FR/BK on approx. :20 RI2 X 100 choice or IM (fins optional)6 X 50 FR/BK on approx. :15 RI4 X 50 choice or FL/BK...BK/BR8 X 25 choice on :40 Alternate 12.5 burst, then EZ on odd lengths...then build on even lengthsFastest lane had time for 300 pull.WARMDOWN: 100100 EZTotal Yardage: Approx. 2500

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