10/26/04 CCB Masters Kick-Swim Set

Oct 26, 2004
10/26/04  CCB Masters  Kick-Swim Set

This is T-15 week. A lot of our swimmers are using the T-15s to build up for the One-Hour Postal Swim in January. WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownMAIN SET: 1200Swim twice through the following:100 Fly with fins, alternating 25 dolphin kick and 25 Fly or 2L/2R Fly100 Back without fins, alternating 25 flutter kick on your back and 25 Back100 Breast, alternating 25 kick (any position you want, or under water) and 25 Breast100 Free, alternating 25 flutter kick on your side and 25 Free2 X 100 IM with finsKICK/PULL SET: 300/200Freestylers pull a 300, breathing every 1-2-3-4-5-6-1-2-3-4-5-6 by 25.Breaststrokers kick a 200, alternating underwater kick, hand-lead on back, hand-lead on front, head-lead on back, head-lead on frontKICK/PULL SET #2: 200Use a pull buoy for this entire set. Your choice of stroke.4 X 50, done as 25 kick (yes, you use the pull buoy to kick)/25 swim (yes, this is SWIM not pull -- except you wear the pull buoy)WARMDOWN SET: 200With fins. Use this as a warmdown set, so you want to relax and stretch it out. Long perfect strokes, with breath control.8 X 25 Free, breathing just twice on each length. Do 4 bobs to recover between 25s.Total Yardage: 2200

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