10/26/04 IM Practice - 400-200-100

Oct 26, 2004
10/26/04  IM Practice - 400-200-100

I never used to swim the 400 IM as a kid, but now it's one of my favorite races. I like it because you are racing, but not with a super-face stroke cadence. You can actually get into a groove with each stroke. You have to work on being technically correct with ALL the strokes and ALL the turns, so it's a good challenge.WARMUP: 400With fins.4 X (25 Fly drill + 25 Back drill + 25 Breast drill) + 100 FreeStart with simple, easy drills, and make them more complex on each round.MAIN SET: 1400 + 200 EZSwim straight through this set, without taking any extra time breaks. Toward the end, you have to be quick about getting your fins on and off. 1 X 400 IM on 8:00 (I went 6:35)1 X 400 IM with fins on 8:00 (I went 6:05)1 X 200 IM on 4:00 (I went 3:10)1 X 200 IM with fins on 4:00 (I went 2:55)1 X 100 IM on 2:00 (I went 1:30)1 X 100 IM on 2:00 (I went 1:23)200 EZ recovery with fins.PULL SET: 300Pull 300 free with pull buoy. Use a breathing pattern that's 1 stroke more than your normal pattern. Focus on breath control, and streamlining off every wall. Also don't take a breath until at least your second stroke.KICK SET: 3006 X 50 Breast kick with a board on 1:00, descend time (I went :55 to :51) Focus on getting hips up and over on each kick.WARMDOWN: 400200 with fins, alternating 25 Body-Dolphin Breast and 25 Free200 without fins EZTotal Yardage: 3000

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