10/27/05 AM Practice Mostly Latex

Oct 27, 2005
10/27/05 AM Practice   Mostly Latex

Shoulders are hurting a bit, so I wore fistgloves for most of the practice, and tried to minimize my arms during the other parts.WARMUP: 1000 + 100With Zura Alpha fins and fistgloves, swim continuously through the following:150 FL/BK/BR Head-Lead Drill IM, then 100 BK150 FL/BK/BR Hand-Lead Drill IM, then 25 FR/75 BK150 FL/BK/BR Single-Arm Drill IM, then 50 FR/50 BK150 FL/BK/BR 2L/2R Drill IM, then 75 FR/25 BK100 EZ breast kick to get knees warmed up.MAIN SET: 1800Three rounds of the following:With long-belt tether, take 30 Head-Lead Breast Kicks, then 20 Hand-Lead Breast Kicks centering cord between feet after each kick, then ~10 strokes to wall, turn, swim back assisted focusing on drawing up the feet.4 X 100 on 2:15 25 UW Dolphin Kick w/ Breast Pull/25 AW Body Dolphin/25 UW Dolphin with Breast Pull/25 AW Body Dolphin Descend.Round #1: Wear fistgloves for the whole round. Wear Alpha fins for the 100s.Round #2: Nekked hands for the whole round. Alpha fins for the 100s.Round #3: Nekked hands for the whole round. No fins on the 100s.WARMDOWN: 200 EZ FR/BKTotal Yardage: 3100

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