10/27/05 CCB Masters Drill/Swim IM Sets and Stroke-Count 50s

Oct 27, 2005
10/27/05 CCB Masters  Drill/Swim IM Sets and Stroke-Count 50s

WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownTRIATHLON SET: 100We have two swimmers doing Florida Ironman next week, so this set was for them.4 X 25 Free. Do porpoise dives each time you hit the shallow end.MAIN SET: 1500Swim 4 rounds of the following:3 X 75 on approx. :25 RI Swim/Drill/Swim build3 X 50 Free on approx. :20 RI Count strokes. Hold stroke count and time the same, except make the 3rd 50 faster (while holding stroke count).Round #1: Wear fins for entire round...Swim Fly...Drill = Hand-Lead Body Dolphin on Your BackRound #2: Nekked...Swim Back...Drill = 6-Count BackstrokeRound #3: Nekked...Swim Breast...Drill = Breast Kick on Your BackRound #4: Fins...Swim Free...Drill = Single Switch staying low and longWARMDOWN: 100-300Depending on how much time you have...Swim 100, 200, or 300 Freestyle lungbuster -- pull with pull buoy and paddles. Breathe as often as you want on odd lengths, breathe every 3, every 5, every 7 on even lengths by 100.Total Yardage: approx. 2400

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