10/28/04 CCB Masters Post BoSox Practice

Oct 28, 2004
10/28/04  CCB Masters  Post BoSox Practice

The CCB Masters are in the heart of BoSox territory, so it was a late night last night for everyone. Maybe that's why only THREE swimmers showed up this morning! One of them did the following practice. The other two did a T-15, then we all did the 25s together at the end.WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your own.MAIN SET: 1400 + 200 EZ400 IM on 8:00400 IM with fins on 8:00200 IM on 4:00200 IM with fins on 4:00100 IM on 2:00100 IM with finsThe goal for this set was to find your groove on each new stroke as quickly as possible. If you search for RHYTHM each time you switch strokes, you tend not to focus on how TIRED you are. 200 EZFINAL SET: 400Swim 16 X 25 with fins on approx. :40 sendoff (I gave a lot of stroke suggestions after each 25, so the sendoff was sometimes :45 or more.)1st 4 X 25: Hand-Lead Body Dolphin on your back. On each 25, start easy and BUILD to full speed by the end of the length.2nd 4 X 25: 2L/2R/2 whole-stroke Backsktroke. Focus on showing both shoulders on the drill AND on the whole stroke.3rd 4 X 25: Body-Dolphin Breast. Focus on clearing the water with your hands on recovery.4th 4 X 25: FreestyleOdds: BuildEvens: Start with 2-cycle burst, then EZ to the endWARMDOWN: 100100 EZTotal Yardage: 2500

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