11-02-06 Shorter Intervals: 100s, 50s, and 25s

Nov 2, 2006
11-02-06  Shorter Intervals: 100s, 50s, and 25s

Went long with 200s yesterday, so wanted to do some shorter intervals at a higher heart rate today.WARMUP: 700With Zura Alpha fins:100 dolphin100 flutter100 dolphin100 free100 back200 EZ breast kick all positions no equipmentBREAST KICK SET: 500 + 2005 X 100 on 2:00 sendoff (approx. 15 seconds rest)#1: Breast kick with board, with Tempo Trainer at 1:75#2: Breast kick with board, with TT at 1:70#3: Breast kick with board, with TT at 1:65#4: Breast kick with board, with TT at 1:60#5: Breast swim, with TT at 1:55[Time descended 1:45 to 1:43 on kicks, then 1:30 on the swim.]200 EZ freestyle pull, breathing every 2...every 3IM SET: 100020 X 50 as below. Used a 1:00 sendoff (approx. :15 RI) for everything except the sculling50 FL scull with pull buoy50 FL50 FL/BK50 BK/BR50 BR/FR50 FL/BK50 BK scull with pull buoy50 BK50 BK/BR50 BR/FR50 FL/BK50 BK/BR50 BR scull with pull buoy50 BR50 BR/FR50 FL/BK50 BK/BR50 BR/FR50 FR scull with pull buoy50 FR200 EZ freestyle pull breating every 2...every 3FLY SET: 200With fins.8 X 25 on :30 sendoff#1: cycle FL/cycle BR#2: cycle of 2L/2R Fly...switch to FL#3: Karla drill#4: cycle of 2L/2R Fly...switch to FL#5: 3 stroke Fly...switch to Free#6: cycle of 2L/2R Fly...switch to FL#7: Fast dolphin into backstroke breakout#8: Fast dolphin into backstroke breakoutWARMDOWN: 200 EZ with finsTotal Yardage: 3000

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