11/03/05 CCB Masters Dolphins

Nov 3, 2005
11/03/05 CCB Masters  Dolphins

Wanted to work on streamlines and dolphining off the wall today.WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownMAIN SET: 2200Whenever you have fins on, do 4 dolphin kicks off EVERY wall before you start to swim. On the 50s, 100s, and 150s (without fins), try to do at least one dolphin kick off every wall before you start to flutter kick into breakout.8 X 25 with finsOdds: Freestyle with Dolphn KickEvens: Body-Dolphin Breast4 X 50 Free on :15 RI 4 X 50 Free on :10 RI8 X 25 with finsOdds: Fly or 2L/2R FlyEvens: Body-Dolphin Breast3 X 100 Free on :20 RI3 X 100 Free on :15 RI8 X 25 with finsOdds: Freestyle with Dolphin KickEvens: Body-Dolphin Breast2 X 150 Stroke/Free by 25 on :30 RI2 X 150 Stroke/Free by 25 on :25 RIWARMDOWN: 100 EZTotal Yardage: approx. 2700

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