11/06/06 Getting Back to the Tether

Nov 6, 2006
11/06/06  Getting Back to the Tether

After using the tether all summer to get ready for FINA, I put it in the bottom of my toy bag for the last couple of months. We've got New England Championships coming up in 6 weeks, so it's time to get the tether out again.Did this in a 20-yard pool.WARMUP: 800With Zura Alpha fins:80 dolphin120 free80 flutter120 back80 dolphin120 freeWith Zura Sidekick:200 alternating 20 breast kick/20 single-leg breast kickTETHER SET: Approx. 1000 equivalent Swim twice through the following -- all with long-belt slider:Push off, pull down, 30 head-lead breaststroke kicks, 30 hand-lead breast kicks, turn, swim back assistedSwim 20 yards eggbeater against the tether, swim back assistedSwim 20 yard breast against the tether, swim back assisted.Keep the tether on but put on fins. Swim 100 strokes breast arms with dolphin kick against the tether, then turn and swim back assisted. Focus on fast hands.No time today for anything additional.Total Yardage: 1800

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