This one looked easy on the board, but all the kicking had a cumulative effect.WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownKICK SET #1: 900Swim three rounds of the following. All kicking is done on your back.4 X 75 @ :20 RI and swum as 25 kick in the stroke + 50 swim in the strokeRound #1: BackstrokeRound #2: BreaststrokeRound #3: FreestyleKICK SET #1: 400With fins.4 X 100 kick, done as:25 Hand-Lead Dolphin kick on stomach, work the hips -- get them up and over the surface.25 EZ flutter kick on back25 Hand-Lead Dolphin kick on stomach, work the hips25 FAST flutter kick on backSWIM SET: 900/600Fastest lane did 3 X (3 X 100); slower lanes did 2 X (3 X 100)3 X 100 Free @ :30 RI3 X 100 Free @ :20 RI3 X 100 Free @ :15 RIWARMDOWN: 100At least 100 EZTotal Yardage: 2700/2400
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