11/11/03 CCB Masters Stroke-Counting Sets

Nov 11, 2003
11/11/03 CCB Masters   Stroke-Counting Sets

11/11/03 CCB Masters Stroke-Counting SetsWARMUP: 400With fins.200 Head-Lead "IM"200 Hand-Lead "IM"MAIN SETS: Set #1 Minus-Cycle Set: 1100On the following set, take approximately 10 seconds rest after each 25, 20 seconds rest after each 50, and 30 seconds rest after each 75. The focus is not so much on the sendoffs as on hitting your correct stroke counts. Do whatever you need to do to hit your count -- better streamline on the pushoff, longer glide, more powerful kick, more glide between strokes, keep your head hidden, etc.4 X 25 free at BRISK pace. Count strokes on each 25 and take your average count as "N."Then swim 4 rounds of:1 X 25 @ N-21 X 25 @ N-11 X 25 @ NThen swim 2 rounds of:1 X 50 with both lengths at N-21 X 50 with both lengths at N-11 X 50 with both lengths at NThen swim:4 X 75 -- 1st 25 @ N-2...2nd 25 @ N-1...3rd 25 @ N100 EZ recovery, anything except freestyleSet #2 Plus-Cycle Set: 50010 X 25 freestyle with approx. 10 seconds rest between each 25ODDS: Swim 1st half FAST and 2nd half EZEVENS: Swim 1st half EZ and 2nd half FASTOn the FAST portions, try to increase your stroke rate without losing control of your stroke. Hide the effort. Don't worry about how many strokes you are taking; just increase your turnover to FAST.10 X 25 as above but your choice of stroke. IM order is OK if you do 2 X 25 in a row of the same stroke.WARMDOWN SET: 500With fins.Swim 10 lengths of "backstroke." On the 1st length, you can take one "stroke." On the 2nd length, you can take two "strokes." On the 3rd length you can take 3 "strokes," etc., up to 10 strokes on the 10th length. You can take the strokes anywhere you want. When you are not stroking, you should be kicking in Extended Hand-Lead (one arm extended above head; other arm at your side). Repeat the above 10 lengths, but using "breaststroke." When you are not taking a stroke, you should do Hand-Lead Body Dolphin. Total Yardage: 2500

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