11/11/06 Saturday Practice 50s at 200 Pace

Nov 11, 2006
11/11/06  Saturday Practice 50s at 200 Pace

I got this main set from Coach Bob Bowman, when he was giving a physiology course at an ASCA clinic. He said that he does this set on a regular basis -- every 4 or 5 weeks -- to help his swimmers develop a sense of pace for their 200s. Coach Bowman's version of the set is 16 X 50...12 X 50...8 X 40...4 X 50. I modified it slightly to make it a 1550-yard set rather than a 2000-yard set.WARMUP: 600With Zura Alpha fins:100 dolphin100 flutter100 dolphin100 free/backWith no equipment:200 EZ breast kick all positionsMAIN SET: 1550 + 400In this set, FAST means your pace for a 200. As an example: My target time for the 200 breast is 2:52, which works out to 43 seconds per 50, so I was shooting for 42 to 43 seconds on my FAST 50s. I did EZ backstroke and relaxed breaststroke drills (breast with an extra kick and body-dolphin breast) on the non-FAST 50s. [Times for the fast 50s were 41 to 43 seconds.]There is no break during this set. Swim it straight through.12 X 50 -- every 4th 50 is FAST. Use a sendoff that will give you approximately 20 seconds rest after your FAST 50s. [E.g., I used 1:00 sendoff; Bowman's swimmers were on :45.]9 X 50 -- every 3rd 50 is FAST. Add :05 to your sendoff. [I was on 1:05; Bowman's swimmers on :50.]6 X 50 -- every other 50 is FAST. Add another :05 to your sendoff.4 X 50 -- every 50 is FAST. Add another :05 to your sendoff.200 EZ pull recovery200 EZ breast kick recoveryFLY SET: 400With fins, twice through the following [did these on :30 sendoff]:25 alternate 1 cycle FL/1 cycle BR25 2L/2R Fly... switch to Fly25 Karla drill25 2L/2R Fly... switch to Fly25 3 strokes Fly... switch to Free2L/2R Fly... switch to Fly25 FAST dolphin on your Back into breakout, then EZ Back25 FAST dolphin on your Back into breakout, then EZ BackWARMDOWN: 250250 EZ pull plus 3 starts from the blocksTotal Yardage: 3200

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