11/12/06 Long Freestyle Swims

Nov 13, 2006
11/12/06   Long Freestyle Swims

Did this in a 20-yard pool. Have been doing a lot of short intervals this week, so wanted to go long and aerobic today.WARMUP: 1000With Zura Alpha fins:80 dolphin120 free80 flutter120 back80 dolphin120 free200 with Zura Sidekick alternating 20 breast kick/20 eggbeater200 no equipment alternating 20 dolphin kick/20 breast kick on backMAIN SET:800 freestyle pull, breathing every 2... every 5200 breast kick all positions400 freestyle swim, breathing every 3 at least once per length200 breast kick all positions, with pull buoy200 freestyle swim, breathing every 3 at least once per length200 warmdownTotal Yardage: 3000

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