11/13/03 CCB Masters IM 50s with Sculling & Kicking

Nov 13, 2003
11/13/03 CCB Masters   IM 50s with Sculling & Kicking

11/13/03 CCB Masters IM 50s with Sculling & KickingWARMUP: 400With fins.Alternate 50 of any Short-Axis drill with 50 of any Long-Axis drill (or back or free).MAIN SET: 1200This is a short main set, but it's done with a lot of focus and is a lot of fun. It may look long and complicated on paper, but you'll quickly catch on to the pattern, and you won't have to look at this sheet after every 50. You will swim 4 rounds of the following:1 X 50 Fly/Back1 X 50 Back/Breast1 X 50 Breast/FreeHowever...At certain points during the rounds, you will be inserting the following "chunk" of 6 X 25. Insert the chunk as a fly set before you start the first round. Insert the chunk as a backstroke set during the 2nd round, right after the 50 Fly/Back. Insert the chunk as a breaststroke set during the 3rd round, right after the 50 Back/Breast. Insert the chunk as a freestyle set at the end of the 4th round. Here's the "chunk:"2 X 25 FAST kick (This is dolphin, backstroke flutter, breast, or flutter, depending on where the chunk is inserted.)2 X 25 sculling with a pull buoy (scull with hands near hips, on stomach and head first, for fly; scull with elbows at sides, on your back and head first, for back; scull with hands/arms at shoulder level, on stomach and head first, for breast; scull with arms extended and hands at hips, on stomach and head first, for free.)2 X 25 swim (fly, back, breast, or free, depending on where the chunk is inserted.)Don't worry too much about the sendoffs on this set. Take about 20 seconds rest after each 25 and after each 50. The point is to focus on how your hands are moving on the sculling. Then transfer the feeling of the scull into the arm motion of the stroke. E.g., on the breaststroke scull (at shoulder level), you are focusing on the insweep of the hands and forearms. Try to capture this same movement when you progress to the 25s breast, and on the breast/fly 50.WARMDOWN: 400With fins.Swim continuously for 300-400 yards as follows:50 Body-Dolphin Breast focusing on the insweep of the hands and forearms50 Backstroke focusing on a bent-elbow pull50 Free focusing on pushing back with the hand to finish each strokeTotal Yardage: 2000

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