11/16/06 Breast Drills with Tempo Trainer

Nov 17, 2006
11/16/06  Breast Drills with Tempo Trainer

WARMUP: 700With Zura Alpa fins:100 dolphin100 flutter100 dolphin100 free100 back200 breast kick no equipmentMAIN SET: 1800Three rounds of the following, all on 1:05 sendoff. Round #1 Tempo Trainer set at 1:65. Round #2 set at 1:60. Round #3 set at 1:55.8 X 50#1 through #4: With fins.#1 Hand-Lead Dolphin Kick breathe every 4 (no pulling)#2 Hand-Lead Dolphin Kick breathe every 2, with breaststroke pull#3 Underwater Hand-Lead Dolphin with Breast Pull#4 Karla drill (1L/1R Fly...2 Breast no breath)#5 through #8: No fins.#5 Body-Dolphin Breast#6 Underwater Hand-Lead Dolphin with Breast Pull#7 Breast with an Extra Kick#8 Whole-stroke breast [descended time on three sets: 43...41...40]200 EZ swimmingKICK SET: 4004 X 100 on 2:00 sendoff#1: Breast kick with board... Tempo Trainer at 1:75 [1:43]#2: Breast kick with board... TT at 1:70 [1:43]#3: Breast kick with board... TT at 1:65 [1:39]#4: Breaststroke... TT at 1:60 [1:26]WARMDOWN: 100 EZ plus 2 starts from the blocksTotal Yardage: 3000

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