11/17/03 CCB Masters T-15s and 50s

Nov 19, 2003
11/17/03  CCB Masters T-15s and 50s

11/17/03 CCB Masters T-15s and 50sIt's T-15 week. We have a lot of new swimmers on the team, so they are doing their first-ever timed swim and are getting their base-line yardage. They are usually amazed at how far they can swim in fifteen minutes, so the T-15s are a big boost for them. One of the swimmers who's been on the team for 10 months and who has increased his T-15 yardage by more than 100 yards, said that the T-15s have taught him how to pace himself better, especially in the triathlons he did this summer. If you try a T-15, try to pick ONE THING to think about during the swim. Maybe it's looking DOWN and hiding your head. Maybe it's extending your hand on each stroke. Maybe it streamlining to the flags before you take each stroke. Maybe it's holding the same stroke count on every lap. Choose whatever focus point works best for you, and use it to carry you through the long swim. Having a focus point makes the time go faster, and helps you maintain technique when fatigue sets in.WARMUP: 400With fins or without.Your choise of swim for 400 yards.If you do the T-15, swim an EZ 200 recovery before you start the main set, and swim perhaps just one round of it. The main set was designed for those who AREN'T swimming a T-15, and it will take about 50 minutes.MAIN SETS: 1350Swim 3 rounds of the following:2 X 50 Free @ about :20 RI2 X 25 Breast @ :10 to :15 RI2 X 50 Back @ :20 RI2 X 25 Breast @ :10 RI2 X 50 (25 Back + 25 Free) @ :20 RI2 X 25 Breast @ :10 RIRound #1: No equipmentRound #2: No equipmentRound #3: With fins. Do Body-Dolphin Breast for the Breaststroke200 EZ recoveryBREATHING SET: 25010 X 25 Freestyle, taking just 2 breaths on each 25. Do 5 or 6 bobs as recovery between 25s. Focus on taking long, perfect strokes and relaxing as much as possible.WARMDOWN: 100100 EZ swimTotal Yardage: 2300, without any T-15 yardage

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