11/18/04 CCB Masters 1-2-3-2-1 Pyramid

Nov 18, 2004
11/18/04  CCB Masters  1-2-3-2-1 Pyramid

WARMUP: 400400 your choice on your ownWARMUP SET: 30012 X 25 IM order, three times through1-4-7-10 Swim2-5-8-11 Kick3-6-9-12 PullBefore you start the set, place your kickboard at the far end of the pool and you should always have the board at the right time. Sendoffs are loose; take about 10 seconds rest between 25s. By the time you get through with the set you will have swum, kicked, and pulled a 25 of each stroke.MAINS SET: 1200 + 400/200You can swim any stroke that you want on this set, or you can do IM. You should, however, swim the same stroke (or IM) on both 100s, both 200s, and both 300s -- so that you can compare your times on the way up the pyramid and on the way down. Your goal is to swim faster on the way down than you did on the way up. Rest interval is variable. I was in the middle lane and we went on 2:00 for the 100s, 4:00 for the 200s, and 6:00 for the 300s. The fastest lane did a 400 recovery with fins at the top of the pyramid. The other lanes did a 200 recovery with fins at the top. My times for IM are in parens.1 X 100 (1:35)1 X 200 (3:15)1 X 300 (4:53)1 X 400 with fins as recovery. Your choice of drill or swim.1 X 300 (4:48)1 X 200 (3:07)1 X 100 (1:27)WARMDOWN: 200200 your choiceTotal Yardage: 2500/2300

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