11/22/05 CCB Masters 22 X 100 on the 22nd

Nov 22, 2005
11/22/05 CCB Masters 22 X 100 on the 22nd

We didn't quite fit this into our 60-minute practice, but we came close. The main event is the Callenge 100s -- the set of 5 X 100 in the middle of practice. This is a test set for us, and I keep records of everyone's sendoffs, so we don't have to spend a lot of time deciding on the correct sendoff.WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownMAIN SET: 22003 X 100, swum as:25 Hand-Lead Dolphin Kick on stomach25 Flutter Kick on back25 Breast Kick on back25 Free4 X 100 IM with fins, except that there is a floating 2L/2R drill throughout the set, i.e., on first 100 the fly is 2L/2R fly. On the second 100, the back is 2L/2R back, etc.Challenge set. 5 X 100 free on the fastest sendoff you can manage, and still make all five 100s. Fastest swimmers may get only 0 to 5 seconds rest on the final 100. Middle-level swimmers may get only 5 to 10 seconds rest by the final 100. We had three swimmers on 1:25. One on 1:40. Four on 1:50. One on 2:00 and one on 2:45. 50 EZ recovery4 X 100 with finsOdds: Alternate 25 Dolphin Kick on back/25 FreeEvens: Alternate 25 Dolphin Kick on stomach/25 Back3 X 100 freestyle pull with pull buoyUse a different breathing pattern on each 100, and make each pattern different from your usual pattern. Also work distance off walls -- should be past the flags before first stroke.2 X 100 drill IM with fins1 X Broken 100. This is really 4 X 25 at 90 to 95% effort and with 10 seconds rest between 25s.WARMDOWN: 100At least 100 EZTotal Yardage: About 2500

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