11/25/03 CCB Masters Descend Sendoffs for 50s

Nov 25, 2003
11/25/03  CCB Masters  Descend Sendoffs for 50s

11/25/03 CCB Masters Descend Sendoffs for 50sWARMUP: 400With fins.Seim 400 yards on your own.WARMUP SET: 4008 X 50 (25 Drill + 25 Swim)With fins.IM order, twice through.Fly Drill = Head-Lead Body DolphinBack Drill = 2L/2R (2 strokes left arm/2 strokes right arm)Breast Drill = Head-Lead Body DolphinFree Drill = Triple SwitchMAIN SET: 1700No fins.To determine your sendoff on the 50s, take your average time for a 50 free during a set of, say, 8 X 50). Add :05 to that time, and that should be your FINAL sendoff on the last 2 X 50 of this set. Calculate back from that to get your sendoff on the 8 X 50. 1 X 200 free, with 30 to 40 seconds rest8 X 50 (25 choice + 25 Free) on 1:05/1:10/1:151 X 200 free 30-40 seconds rest6 X 50 (25 choice + 25 Free) on 1:00/1:05/1:101 X 200 free 30-40 seconds rest4 X 50 (25 choice + 25 Free) on :55/1:00/1:051 X 100 free 2 X 50 )25 choice + 25 Free) on :50/:55/1:00WARMDOWN: 100-200Swim EZ on your ownTotal Yardage: 2200 plus warmup

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