11/28/06 Back after the Holidays

Nov 28, 2006
11/28/06  Back after the Holidays

Urghh. Was traveling over the holidays and got to swim only once, so just wanted to cruise today.WARMUP: 750With Zura Alphas:100 dolphin100 flutter100 dolphin100 free100 back250 breast kick all positionsMAIN SET: 1800Three times through:200 pull on 3:45 (all free except 3rd length of each 100 is breast pull)100 IM on 2:00Three times through:200 breast kick with board on 4:30 (3rd length of each 100 is eggbeater kick)100 IM on 2:00MAIN SET #2:3 X 50 whole-stroke breast with pull buoy and strapless paddles (focus on wide outsweep)1 X 50 breast -- wide outsweep2 X 50 with fins -- dolphin kick with breast arms and strapless paddles (wide outsweep)1 X 50 breast -- wide outsweepWARMDOWN: 100100 EZ and 3 starts from the blocksTotal Yardage: 3000

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