11/29/05 Short Taper Practice

Nov 30, 2005
11/29/05 Short Taper Practice

Had only 30 minutes to swim today. Zones coming up this weekend, so wanted to get in something fast.WARMUP: 500100 IM kick100 EZ breast kick all positions100 EZ back/free100 EZ breast kick mostly head-lead on stomach working on dolphin pulldown100 EZ back/freeKICK SET: 250 + 1005 X 50 breast kick with board on 1:30, with 5 Rocket Launchers before each 50. Descend.[went 52...49...46...45...43]100 EZ kick/swimBREAST SET: 2004 X 50 on 1:00 First 25 of each 50 is FAST breaststroke at 8 to 9 strokes [went :19 to :20] Quickly get time, then EZ backstroke for second 25. WARMDOWN: 100Total Yardage: 1200

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