12/01/05 CCB Masters IM Work

Dec 1, 2005
12/01/05 CCB Masters IM Work

WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownWARMUP/AB SET: 2004 X 50 @ :15 RI. First 25 of each 50 is Head-Lead Dolphin Kick on Your Back; second 25 is freestyle with small fast dolphin kicks off the wall. Faster lanes did this with no equipment. Beginners used fins.MAIN SET #1: 800 + 10016 X 50 @ approx. :10 to :15 RI. Focus is on legal turns and fast transition turns. On back-to-breast turn, grab the wall with palm DOWN. Faster lanes did this with no equipment. Beginners used fins. Swim these as:FL/FLFL/BKBK/BRBR/FRFL/BKBK/BKBK/BRBR/FRFL/BKBK/BRBR/BRBR/FRFL/BKBK/BRBR/FRFR/FR100 EZ RecoveryMAIN SET #2: 800With fins.2 X 400 "IM," swum as follows:4 X (25 FL + 25 BK + 25 BR) + 100 FAST FR at 80-85% effortFirst 400: Fly and Back are 2L/2R drill.Second 400: Fly is Hand-Lead Body Dolphin on Stomach. Breast is Hand-Lead Body Dolphin on Back. Back = Back. Free = Free.WARMDOWN: 200No equipment8 X 25 with 6 bobs as recovery between each 25. These are EZ EZ EZ freestyle with perfect strokes and taking only 2 breaths per length.Total Yardage: 2500

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