12-02-06 Saturday Practice UV Rays Masters

Dec 2, 2006
12-02-06 Saturday Practice UV Rays Masters

This is what the swimmers did who are not in taper.WARMUP: 400DRILL/FOCUS SET: 25010 X 25 Freestyle with focus#1+2: Hide your head#3+4: Wide entry – don’t cross centerline!#5+6: Rotate from the hips, not from the shoulders#7+8: One goggle in during breath#9 + 10: Focus on feet – point toes while kickingKICK/PULL SET: 1050Three times through the following:50 swim your choice of stroke100 kick with fins (your choice dolphin or flutter). Final length of each 100 is FAST!200 pull, breathing every 2…every 5 (Focus on steady head and not crossing centerline.)TEMPO-TRAINER SET: 800Swim four 25s freestyle with Tempo Trainer. Experiment with the tempo until you get a cadence that gives you a nice, comfortable, long stroke. This is your “X” cadence.Then swim:5 X 100 on approx. :30 Rest Interval#1: TT at X#2: TT at X minus :05#3: TT at X minus :10#4: TT at X minus :15#5: TT at X minus :20Re-set the TT to your original setting (X) and swim an easy 200.FIN SET: 250 25 Fly50 Back/Breast75 Back/Breast/Free100 your choice of free or IMWARMDOWN: 200Total Yardage: 2950

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