12/07/06 Breast & Fly Sets

Dec 7, 2006
12/07/06  Breast & Fly Sets

We're one week out from New England Masters Champs, so wanted to do some broken swims today, plus some fly.WARMUP: 700500 yards alternating 50 breast kick/50 back/50 breast kick/50 free200 breast kick all positionsKICK SET: 3006 X 50 breast kick with standard kickboard on 1:15 descend time. Do 7 Rocket Launchers before each 50. [55...50...47...46...45...45]200 pull with paddles, breathe every 3...every 1. Every 3rd length is breast pull.FLY SET: 400With Zura Alpha fins, twice through on :30 sendoff:25 cycle Fly...cycle Breast25 2L/2R Fly...switch to Fly25 Karla drill25 2L/2R Fly...switch to Fly25 3 strokes Fly...switch to Free25 2L/2R Fly...switch to Fly2 X 25 Freestyle with dolphin kick200 pull, breathing every 3...every 1. Include 2 lengths breast pull.BREAST SET #1: 200Broken 200. Use :10 rest between 50s.4 X 50 whole-stroke breast with pull buoy on :55 [went 43...43...44...45]200 pull as aboveBREAST SET #2: 50010 X 50 on 1:05 sendoff (or 15 to 20 RI) with Tempo Trainer set at 1:60.#1: Fins...hand-lead pulse, breathe every 4#2: Fins...hand-lead pulse, breathe and stroke every other#3: FIns...underwater breast arms with dolphin legs#4: Fins...hand-lead pulse, take two pulls to every breath#5: Fins...hand-lead pulse, breathe and pull on every stroke#6: No fins...hand-lead pulse, breathe and stroke every other#7: No fins...underwater breast#8: No fins...breast with an extra kick#9: No fins...breast, breathing every other stroke#10: No fins...breast [:42]100 pull recovery4 X 25 breast on :30 sendoff (Used Tempo Trainer set to beep every 10 seconds, with goal of swimming each 25 in :20 and then resting for :10.)WARMDOWN: 100Total Yardage: 3000

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