12/09/04 CCB Masters 400 Layer Cake

Dec 9, 2004
12/09/04 CCB Masters 400 Layer Cake

This is a slightly longer practice than normal, so we used the first 400 as warmup. You can do a standard warmup if you have more than 60 minutes for your workout. Think of this as a 400 layer cake. The 400s are steady, aerobic efforts, where you can focus on your form -- rotation, catch, eye and head position, etc. The intervals inbetween are a change to put your focus points into practice.MAIN SET: 2400/400 with fins, swum as: 4 X (25 Head-Lead Body Dolphin + 25 Head-Lead Flutter Kick on Your Back + 25 Head-Lead Body Dolphin on Your Back) + 100 Freestyle1 X 200 your choice. Nice steady effort.400 with fins, same pattern as above but this time the drills are hand-lead drills. Do 6-Count Backstroke instead of Flutter Kick. Do 300 of the drills, then 100 Freestyle.2 X 100 @ :30 RI. Swim the second one faster than the first.400 with fins, same pattern as above but this time the drills are 2L/2R Fly + 2L/2R Back + 2L/2R Breast. Do 300 of the drills, then 100 Freestyle.4 X 50 @ :20 RI. Descend.400 Freestyle with pull buoy and paddles. Focus on keeping the elbow high and in the "power" position as you push through the finish of your stroke. 8 X 25 Free on :35 sendoff. Focus solely on keeping the elbow high as you push through the finish of your stroke. If you get it right, you should feel as if you are accelerating the hand as you finish each pull.WARMDOWN: 100100 EZTotal Yardage: 2500

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