12/14/06 UV Rays Taper Practice and Regular Practice

Dec 13, 2006
12/14/06 UV Rays Taper Practice and Regular Practice

Last practice before NEM Champs this weekend.WARMUP: 400TRIATHLON SET: 1004 X 25 freestyle with one porpoise dive on the way down…and one porpoise at the finish on the way backWARMUP SET: 40016 X 25 on :40Every 4th 25 is FAST. These are choice, but do at least 4 X 25 of the same stroke. On the EZ 25s, you can do a drill or kick – anything that gets you ready to go FAST. On the FAST 25s, focus on swimming fast all the way into the wall. Touch with your fingertips and with your head under the surface.MAIN SET FOR THOSE NOT GOING TO MEET: 1000 + 600Swim 4 rounds of the following. Rounds#1 and #3 are nekked. Rounds #2 and #4 are with fins. Rest intervals are approximately 10 seconds for the 25s, 15 seconds for the 50s, 20 for the 75s, and 25 for the 100s.25 Fly (or 2L/2R drill)50 Back/Breast75 Back/Breast/Free100 FreeAfter 4 rounds of the above set, do: 3 X 200 pull (or 3 X 150 pull or 3 X 100 pull, depending on how much time you have left)#1: Breathe every 2…every 5#2: Breathe every 3…every 1 (yep, not a typo...this is great practice for open water and for sneaking in a last breath before a flip turn in freestyle)#3: Breathe every 3Then 100 EZ warmdownMAIN SET FOR THOSE GOING TO MEET: 8753 X 75 FAST from the blocks, with 200 SUPER-EZ swim, kick, or pull between the 75s. Test your heart rate before each 75, and don’t start the next 75 until your HR is 90 to 100.After the 75s and final 200 EZ, organize teams and do one relay. Swim your leg FAST through the turn, then pick it up again from the final flags into the finish.WARMDOWN: 200 EZTotal Yardage: 2000 for those going to meet; 2600 for those not going to meet

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