12/21/03 Wooster Masters Workout

Dec 22, 2003
12/21/03   Wooster Masters Workout

12/21/03 Wooster Masters WorkoutI'm in Ohio (my home state) for Christmas. This is always a treat because I get to swim in my hometown's high school pool. It's a deep, 50-meter indoor bulkhead pool with skylights and huge, deep gutters that make the pool very fast. It's a joy to swim there. When I'm there, I work out with the local Masters group. Here's what we did today. The Mini Lung-Buster set at the end is courtesy of Reggie. WARMUP: 500500 swim your choice.MAIN SET #1: 1600With fins.It's a little tricky to keep on the right sendoff on this set. Don't take any extra rest anywhere in the set. Keep it rolling right to the end.4 X 25 Fly on :303 X 100 IM First one on 2:00; second one on 1:55; third one on 1:504 X 25 Back on :303 X 100 IM First one on 1:55; 2nd on 1:50; 3rd on 1:453 X 25 Breast (with dolphin kick) on :303 X 100 IM First one on 1:50; 2nd on 1:45; 3rd on 1:404 X 25 Free on :303 X 100 IM First one on 1:45; 2nd on 1:40; 3rd on 1:35100 EZ recoveryMAIN SET #2: 200With fins.4 X 50 free on :1:00. On the first 25 of each 50, breathe every 3rd stroke. On the second 25, breathe EVERY STROKE. Focus on quick rotation from side to side. You'll also need to stay LONG with your arms.MAIN SET #3: 400 This is called the Mini Lung Buster.With pull buoy.1 X 400 Freestyle pull.On every odd length, you can breathe as often as you want. On the first two even lengths, breathe every 3. On the second two evens, breathe every 5. On the third two evens, breathe every 7. On the final two evens, breathe every 9.The grandaddy Lung-Buster set was designed by Bob Bruce, who grew up in my home town of Wooster. He now coaches in Oregon, and was just named the 2003 USMS Coach of the Year. We didn't do the actual Lung-Buster set, but here it is in case you want to try it. It's for a 50-meter LONG-COURSE pool!1 X 800 freestyle with pull buoyOn every odd length, you breathe as often as you want. On the first even length, breathe every 3. On the second even length, breathe every 5. On the third even length, breathe every 7, etc., until on the final even length you are breathing EVERY 17 STROKES. Remind me not to be in Wooster when they do THAT one.WARMDOWN: 200200 EZ alternating 25 free and 25 breaststroke kickTotal Yardage: 3000

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