12/29/05 CCB Masters Eights

Dec 29, 2005
12/29/05 CCB Masters Eights

WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownMAIN SET: 20008 X 25 FR on :30Wear fins. First half of each length is Tarzan drill -- head up and looking straight ahead. Focus on wide hand entry. Second half of each length is head down and wide entry.8 X 50 on 1:00First 25 of each 50 is FR; second 25 is BK. Focus is on flip turn and going straight over in a tight ball and pushing off on the back.8 X 75 on approx. 1:40First and third length of each 75 is FREESTYLE. The middle length is kick, in IM order. E.g., on first 75, the middle length is dolphin kick. On the second 75, the middle length is flutter kick on your back, etc.8 X 100 Wear fins.Odds: Freestyle, doing dolphin kick the first 50 and flutter kick the second 50Evens: Breaststroke, doing dolphin kick the first 50 and flutter kick the second 50Focus on freestyle is kicking from the body, not the knees.Focus on breaststroke is FAST hands. Get your hands and body back into streamline as fast as possible after the pull. If you can recover your hands across the surface, that's even better.WARMDOWN: 200 EZ

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