2/15/06 Freestyle/Breaststroke Practice

Feb 15, 2006
2/15/06 Freestyle/Breaststroke Practice

Did this in a 20-yard pool.WARMUP: 840With Zura Alpha fins, swim twice through:40 SA drill40 LA drill40 SA drill200 free/back200 Breast kick all positionsFREESTYLE SET: 480With Zura Alpha fins for entire set. Swim three times through the following:1 X 40 single-arm freestyle, holding Zura kickboard with non-swimming arm.1 X 40 freestyle1 X 40 freestyle with first half of each length as Tarzan drill (head out, look straight ahead)1 X 40 freestyleBREASTSTROKE SET: 1240I swam four times through the following drills:No-breath, hand-lead pulsing with finsHand-lead pulsing, breathe every other pulse with finsUnderwater dolphin kick with breaststroke arms with finsPulse Breaststroke no finsBreast with an Extra Kick no finsBreaststroke no finsRound #1:Swims were 80 yardsTempo Trainer set at 1:60Round #2:Swims were 60 yardsTempo Trainer set at 1:55Round #3:Swims were 40 yardsTempo Trainer set at 1:50Round #4:Swims were 20 yardsTempo Trainer set at 1:45WARMDOWN: 200 EZTotal Yardage: 2760

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