400-200-100 IM Set with Breast Kick

May 3, 2007
400-200-100 IM Set with Breast Kick

Taking a little more rest today and pushing the swims -- starting to taper for nationals in two weeks.WARMUP: 700With Zura Alpha fins:100 dolphin100 flutter100 dolphin200 free/back200 EZ breast kick, various positionsFLY/BREAST SET: 50010 X 50 with fins on 1:00 sendoff1. Pulse breast, breathe every 42. Fly/Breast Combo3. Each length is 2L/2R Fly --> whole-stroke Fly4. Pulse breast, breathe every 35. Karla drill6. Each length is 2L/2R Fly --> w.s Fly7. Pulse breast, breathe every 28. Each length is 3 strokes Fly --> Free9. Each length is 2L/2R FLy --> w.s. Fly10. Pulse breast, breathe every strokeMAIN SET: 1500 + 1001 X 400 IM on 8:00 [6:13]2 X 50 FAST breast kick with standard kickboard on 1:00 sendoff [45... 45]Extra minute rest1 X 200 IM on 4:00 [3:05]2 X 50 FAST breast kick on standard kickboard on 1:00 sendoff [44... 45]Extra minute rest1 X 200 IM on 4:00 [2:58]2 X 50 FAST breast kick on standard kickboard on 1:00 sendoff [45... 45]Extra minute rest1 X 100 IM on 2:30 [1:25]2 X 50 fast breast kick on 1:00 sendoff [44... 45]Extra minute rest1 X 100 IM [1:24]2 X 50 fast breast kick on 1:00 sendoff [44... 45]100 EZBREAST SET: 1004 X 25 breast on :40 sendoff with Tempo Trainer beeping every 10 seconds. Try to beat the TT to the wall for sub-20 seconds. WARMDOWN: 100 EZ plus 3 starts from the blocksTotal Yardage: 3000

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