All Pull

Nov 15, 2007
All Pull

WARMUP: 700With Zura Alpha fins:500 mix of dolphin, flutter, free, back200 breast kick, various positionsMAIN SET:5 X (200 breaststroke pull + 50 freestyle pull) with fins and snorkel and assorted paddles.#1: Zura #8 paddles (large)#2: Zura #6 paddles (medium)#3: Zura Team paddles (small)#4: Zura Team paddles, strapless#5: Nekked handsThe idea was to reduce the surface area of the hands as the set progressed. The pull cadence gets quicker as you eliminate surface area. Was also focusing on high-elbow catch.4 X 200 freestyle pull with pull buoy and assorted paddles#1: Zura #8 paddles#2: Zura #6 paddles#3: Zura Team paddles#4: Nekked handsWARMDOWN: 200Total Yardage: 3000

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