Beat the Tempo Trainer

May 15, 2007
Beat the Tempo Trainer

Last practice in a 25-yard pool before USMS nats this weekend. Still feeling sore in the legs from a trail race over the weekend. Had trouble getting cranked up for speed on the first set of 50s, but felt zippier by the last two 25s.WARMUP: 600400 yards mix of EZ dolphin kick, flutter kick, backstroke, freestyle200 EZ breast kick, various positionsFLY/BREAST SET: 500 + 20010 X 50 with fins on 1:00 sendoff#1: Pulse breast, breathe every 4#2: Fly/Breast Combo#3: 2L/2R Fly -- > whole-stroke Fly#4: Pulse breast, breathe every 3#5: Karla drill#6: 2L/2R FLy --> w.s. Fly#7: Pulse breast, breathe every 2#8: 3 strokes Fly -- Free#9: 2L/2R Fly --> w.s. FLy#10: Pulse breast, breathe every stroke200 EZ with pull buoyBREASTSTROKE MAIN SET: 4 X 50 breast on 1:03 sendoff (Tempo Trainer set to beep every 21 seconds). My race-day goal for the 200 breast is 2:54, which is 43 seconds per 50. So my goal on this short set was to beat the TT to each wall (42 seconds for a 50), and then take a 21-second rest before starting the next 50. It's hard to tell exact time on this, but I think I went 42.5...42.5...43...43.200 EZ with pull buoy3 X 50 breast on 1:16 sendoff (Tempo Trainer set to beep every 19 seconds). My race-day goal for the 100 breast is 1:17, which is 38.5 seconds per 50. So my goal on this set was to beat the TT to each wall (38 seconds for a 50), and then take a 38-second rest before starting the next 50. I think I went 38.5...39...40.200 EZ with pull buoy2 X 50 breast from the blocks, with 100 EZ between each 50. Tempo Trainer was set to beep every 18 seconds. Race-day goal for the 50 breast is 35+, which is under 18 seconds per 25, so my goal on this set was to beat the TT. I think I went 36.5...37.2 X 25 breast from the blocks, with Tempo Trainer set to beep every 17 seconds. Well, I never actually BEAT the TT today, but on these two 25s, I tied it. WARMDOWN: 100 EZTotal Yardage: ~2500

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