Breast Kick Set & IM Set

Feb 28, 2008
Breast Kick Set & IM Set

WARMUP: 700500 with fins, mix of dolphin, flutter, free, back200 EZ breast kick, various positionsKICK SET: 7509 X 75 breaststroke kick on 1:30 sendoff, except that every 3rd 75 is whole-stroke breast1-3 Tempo Trainer @ 1.854-6 Tempo Trainer @ 1.807-9 Tempo Trainer @ 1.7575 EZ recovery[kicks were ~ 1.20...swims were descend 1.10 to 1.04]MAIN SET: 1600Did this set with fins on a 30-second base per 25 (except that the 100s were on 1:45 instead of 2:00). Swim the set straight through. No breaks25 FL50 BK75 BR100 FR75 FL50 BK25 BR25 FR50 FL75 BK100 BR75 FR50 FL25 BK25 BR50 FR75 FL100 BK75 BR50 FR25 FL25 BK50 BR75 FR100 FL75 BK50 BR25 FRWARMDOWN: 100 EZ plus 2 starts from the blocksTotal Yardage: 3100

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