Breaststroke Paddles and Underwaters

Feb 11, 2008
Breaststroke Paddles and Underwaters

Did this in a 20-yard pool.WARMUP: 800600 with fins, mix of dolphin, flutter, free, back200 breast kick, various positionsMAIN SET: 1160 8 X 120 with fins and various paddles. Each 120 is swum by alternating 20 underwater breaststroke arms with dolphin kick and 20 above-water breaststroke arms with dolphin kick and breathing every dolphin.#1: Large curved paddles (A3)#2: Small paddles (A3)#3: No paddles#4: Large paddles (Zura)#5: Small paddles (Zura)#6: Small flat paddles (Zura Team paddles)#7: No paddles#8: No paddles200 EZ pull, recoveryKICK SET: 40010 X 20 with finsOdds: EZ dolphin kick on your back, hands in streamlineEvens: Intense dolphin kick on your back, hands at sides. Look at your feet and make big bubble with your kick.10 X 20 no finsOdds: Dolphin kick on your back, hands at sides. Evens: EZ freestyle recoveryWARMDOWN: 240 pull, breathing to less comfortable sideTotal Yardage: 2600

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