Breaststroke Practice - Pullouts and Tether

Jul 11, 2007
Breaststroke Practice - Pullouts and Tether

Did this in a 20-yard pool.WARMUP: 800600 with fins200 breast kick with pull buoy, alternating 20 on stomach/20 on backPULLOUT SET: 400Tied a Styrofoam noodle across the lane at mid point in pool (the pool is a uniform 3.5 to 4 feet deep).10 X 40 with 5 Rocket Launchers before each 40. Start with a breast pullout, which takes you to the noodle. Stand up and dive over the noodle, with hands in streamline. Go immediately into a breast pullout, then turn at the wall, pullout, stand up, dive over the noodle and do another pullout. On each 40, you're doing 4 pullouts. MAIN SET: 1520200 freestyle pull with pull buoyWith a long-belt slider:1 X 40: 20 yards eggbeater kick resisted + 20 yards breaststroke assisted1 X 40 breaststroke: 20 yards resisted + 20 yards assisted1 X 80 breaststroke: 20 R + 20 A + 20 R + 20 A1 X 120 breaststroke 20 R + 20 A + 20 R + 20 A + 20 R + 20 AWith fins:400 yards, alternating 20 dolphin kick on the back with hands on shoulders/20 dolphin kick on the back with hands in "pockets"Repeat the long-belt slider segment from above.200 freestyle pull recoveryWith long-belt slider:1 X 40: 20 eggbeater kick R + 20 breast A1 X 40 breast1 X 80 breastWARMDOWN: 280 EZTotal Yardage: 3000

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