Breaststroke Taper

May 8, 2007
Breaststroke Taper

A little bit less yardage today, a bit more speed and focusing on hitting walls, turns, and underwaters while at speed.WARMUP: 700With Zura Alphas:100 dolphin100 flutter100 dolphin200 free/back200 breast kick, various positionsBREAST/FLY SET: 500 + 20010 X 50 with fins on 1:00 sendoff#1: Pulse breast, breathe every 4#2: Fly/Breast Combo#3: 2L/2R Fly -- > whole-stroke Fly#4: Pulse breast, breathe every 3#5: Karla drill#6: 2L/2R FLy --> w.s. Fly#7: Pulse breast, breathe every 2#8: 3 strokes Fly -- Free#9: 2L/2R Fly --> w.s. FLy#10: Pulse breast, breathe every stroke200 EZ pullMAIN SET: 600 + 2008 X 75 breast on approx. 2:00 sendoff (wait till heart rate is 100 or so before each swim).The goal is to do a calibrated descend 1 to 8 by using a Tempo Trainer. The first 4 or 5 swims are fairly easy, so use them to work on pace and to be very precise about body position on each approach to the wall, each turn and pullout, and each first stroke. Then, on the final 3 swims, try to hold on to good form on all of the above while going all out. Using the TT like this also helps you work on your reaction time at the start of each swim.#1: Tempo Trainer set to beep every 26 seconds [1:18]#2: TT set @ 25 seconds [1:15]#3: TT set @ 24 seconds [1:12]#4: TT set @ 23 seconds [1:09]#5: TT set @ 22 seconds [1:06]#6: TT set @ 21 seconds [1:03]#7: TT set @ 20 seconds [1:00]#8: TT set @ 20 seconds [1:01]200 EZ recoveryBREAST SET: 1004 X 25 breast on :40 sendoffSet the Tempo Trainer to beep every 10 seconds and try to beat the TT to the wall by the second beep. [was probably 18 to 19 on each 25]WARMDOWN: 200200 EZ with 3 starts from the blocksTotal Yardage: 2500

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