Breaststroke Underwaters and Stretch Cord

Jun 10, 2007
Breaststroke Underwaters and Stretch Cord

This is for 20-yard pool.WARMUP: 800With Zura Alpha fins:80 dolphin + 120 free80 flutter + 120 back80 dolphin + 120 back200 EZ breaststroke kickJUMP SET: 400Rig up a noodle across the lane at about mid pool.Ten times through:5 Rocket Launchers, pushoff, breaststroke pullout, stand up and dive over the noodle (focus on locked-hands streamline entry) and go immediately into another breaststroke pullout, swim to wall, turn, pullout, stand up and dive over the noodle again and go immediately into another breaststroke pullout, swim to the wall (starting point).MAIN SET: 1720Set up a long-belt slider. Breaststroke focus is fast hands at the front end... pushing water back at the back end.Twice through:1 X 40 on tether (20 resisted eggbeater kick + 20 assisted breaststroke)1 X 40 on tether (20 R breaststroke + 20 A breaststroke)1 X 80 breaststroke on tether1 X 120 breaststroke on tether1 X 200 EZ freestyle pull with pull buoy, breathe every 31 X 200 with fins, alternating 20 underwater breast pull with dolphin kick and 20 pulse breast above water1 X 200 with fins and paddles, alternating 20 underwater breast pull with dolphin kick and 20 pulse breast above waterWARMDOW: 80 EZTotal Yardage: 3000

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