DRYLAND - Stuff We Do Around Here When Glenn's Away

Mar 9, 2004
DRYLAND - Stuff We Do Around Here When Glenn's Away

There� always plenty to do around the office when Glenn� off somewhere filming or traveling, experiencing the local cuisine, but we like to have some fun, too, when he� gone. Sometimes we even use products that we don�t sell on the website. I happen to love my physio ball, and even though we don�t sell them, you can find them at most health centers.

Here� a dryland exercise that� a lot of fun, and that can really develop your balance and leg strength. When you try this, MAKE SURE you are on a padded floor with no equipment or furniture or sharp edges nearby. It� easy to fall off. I�ve done it many times and it� not usually a controlled landing.


The first few times you try it � until you get a feel for the balance � you�ll probably need a spotter or something that you can hold on to until you feel stable. Just be careful, OK? We don�t want anyone to get hurt.

Why Do It:

If you are a skier, you�ll like the way this exercise develops your balance and leg/strength for shifting side to side. If you are a breaststroker, you�ll like the way it develops the strength in your inner thighs, just above the knees.

How To Do It:

1. The first time you try this, use a spotter and simply try to SIT � or squat -- on the ball. Once you can sit for 30 seconds, you�re ready to move on to step #2.

2. Lift your arms slowly. At the same time, try to lift your body up off the ball by using your thigh muscles.

3. Slowly lower your arms and body and start again. Try to see how many lifts you can do until you either lose your balance and fall off�or get too tired to continue.

How To Do It Really Well (the Fine Points):

1. Don�t make any sudden moves. When you start to lose your balance, your first instinct is to QUICKLY correct your position. This usually results in failure. Fight the instinct and go for a slow, CONTROLLED correction.

2. If you lose your balance a little bit, don�t assume you will fall. Use your muscles to hang on and do a slow correction.

3. The more of your lower leg (shin) you can keep on the ball, the better your control.

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