Go Swim Summer Camp

Feb 3, 2006
Go Swim Summer Camp

We regret to announce that in 2006 Go Swim will not host any week-long summer swim camps. This was a difficult decision for us, because we will miss seeing all of you and working with you. But we have decided to focus our attention this summer on completing at least half a dozen DVD projects that are already in the works and that we want to present as quickly as possible to the swimming community.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause for our swimming friends, but we hope you will understand that our focus this year must be on DVDs. This does not mean that we are out of the swim-camp business! We are exploring the possibility of hosting one or more weekend clinics in the Maryland area, and we are always available for team camps at your local pool.

Again, we apologize. We will miss you, and we hope you'll stay tuned for more information regarding possible Maryland clinics. There's also a good chance that we will host more week-long camps in 2007.

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