IM Set

Nov 20, 2007
IM Set

WARMUP: 800With Zura Alpha fins:600 mix of dolphin, flutter, free, back200 breast kick, various positionsMAIN SET: 1600 + 100No breaks on this. Used a 30-second base per 25 for sendoff.25 FL50 BK75 BR100 FR75 FL50 BK25 BR25 FR50 FL75 BK100 BR75 FR50 FL25 BK25 BR50 FR75 FL100 BK75 BR50 FR25 FL25 BK50 BR75 FR100 FL75 BK50 BR25 FR100 EZ pull recoveryBREAST SET: 2505 X 50 whole-stroke breast with pull buoy on 1:00 sendoff [held :45]WARMDOWN: 250250 EZ freestyle pull plus 3 starts from the blocksTotal Yardage: 3000

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