IM Set of 100s, Descending Interval

Jan 15, 2008
IM Set of 100s, Descending Interval

WARMUP: 700500 with fins, mix of dolphin, flutter, free, back200 EZ breast kick, various positionsMAIN SET: 1500Swam this with fins, but you could do it without. No break on this set.100 IM on 2:00 (this is actually two 100s, then start to descend the interval)100 IM on 1:55100 IM on 1:50100 IM on 1:55100 IM on 1:50100 IM on 1:45100 IM on 1:50100 IM on 1:45100 IM on 1:40100 IM on 1:45100 IM on 1:40100 IM on 1:35100 IM on 1:40100 IM on 1:35100 IM on 1:30Keep going with this pattern until you can no longer make the sendoff. [made it to the second 100 on 1:35] WARMDOWN: 300Total Yardage: 2500

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